
SHORT CUT OF "REAR WINDOW" (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954)

Look, Mr Jefferies, I'm not an educated woman,
But I can tell you one thing.
When a man and a woman see each other and like each other,
They ought to come together, wham,
Like a couple of taxis on Broadway
And not sit around analysing each other
Like two specimens in a bottle.

- There's an intelligent way to approach marriage.
Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence.
Modern marriage.

- No, we've progressed emotionally. - Baloney.
Once it was see somebody, get excited, get married.
Now, it's read a lot of books,
Fence with a lot of four-syllable words, psychoanalyse each other
Until you can't tell the difference
Between a petting party and a civil service exam.
People have different emotional levels -
When l married Myles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits.
We are still maladjusted, and we have loved every minute of it.

- Well, that's fine, Stella.
Now, would you fix me a sandwich, please?

FILM-PHILOSOPHY III Warwick University

"The University of Warwick, with the support of its Humanities Research Centre, is hosting Film-Philosophy III: the third annual conference of the Film-Philosophy journal, 15-17 July 2010."




Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts





Amb el desig i l'esperança de poder engegar el moviment en aquesta petita parcel.la de l'infinit i intrincat univers filosòfic, aquest blog dóna el seu primer pas.
Aquest petit lloc pretén recollir allò que a l'autora l'interessa de la filosofia contemporània, allò que la mou a filosofar, materials de tot tipus que puguin agitar l'interès de qui, per casualitat o fortuna, topi amb aquest indret i, en definitiva, allò aque es cou i es mou en un ampli espectre d'interessos filosòfics.
Atenent el fet que cada cop és més difícil en aquest món global i en canvi continu el romandre estàtic, també les llengües emprades reflectiran aquesta diversitat lingüística i cultural que batega en el políglot cor de la filosofia.
Emprenem, doncs, aquesta aventura en desconeguts i excitants horitzons.
Preparats, llestos... JA!!